Ecuador Adventure

...A personal adventure to meet the little boy I've been sponsoring in Ecuador for several years, that also turned into a mission trip to bring aid to women and children at El Inca women's prison in Ecuador's capital city of Quito! To those new to blogging, you need to scroll down to bottom to read the first entry (most recent entries are added to the top).

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Arrival in Quito

Because of the problem of getting my passport in time, I arrived in Quito today -- a day later than originally planned. No problem... just had to readjust my schedule a little bit. I got settled into the Alliance Academy dorm, got a tour of the place, unloaded all the children's clothes I brought for the children at El Inca, and went shopping this evening with Joan Ewan (who does the prison ministry) and her hubby Don, for supplies for the women at the prison. They then took me out to dinner (yum!), and by that time I was exhausted and easily talked into spending my first night in Quito instead of trying to get to Otavalo to get back on the original schedule. It was already getting dark, and I knew from what I'd read previously that it was not recommended (i.e., not very safe) to take the bus for the 1-1/2 hour ride through the Andes at night. So I took a hot shower and climbed into bed, with my alarm set for 7:00 a.m.


Blogger darylann said...

dear mom sure do miss you.
Hi love Dennis is being my secratary so I dont have to henpeck at the keyboard.We just finished eating pizza for supper and Katya's at gymnastics class(ihope):).
Im going to let the kids watch TV and play playstation this weekend so their not boared.
Katya's going to be staying at sam's saturday night after she does her chores and such in the AM.
Glad to hear that everything is going well in Ecuador. STILL WAITING FOR A PHONE CALL:(
The pictures for Kelly Menge just came today so i wont be able to mail them out till monday. Every one is doing fine here except holly who missis you (not realy we all miss you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much):) And dennis' finger is doing well. He's been soaking it with hot water and peroxide. Dennis won his His game against Baraga 32-20 (dennis got a touch down on a 56 yard run). Will close for now hope to hear from you soon. Love from all of us.

6:43 PM  

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