Ecuador Adventure

...A personal adventure to meet the little boy I've been sponsoring in Ecuador for several years, that also turned into a mission trip to bring aid to women and children at El Inca women's prison in Ecuador's capital city of Quito! To those new to blogging, you need to scroll down to bottom to read the first entry (most recent entries are added to the top).

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Since you asked...

Folks have been asking how they can contribute to the cause of the children and women of the El Inca Prison in Quito. Since I can only carry so many things with me on the plane, monetary donations are the best way for you to help! Once I arrive in Quito, I can shop with whatever funds I bring with me, according the list of needs, and carry them all to the prison with the children's clothes that I've already collected.

To make it convenient for anyone to contribute (and to help me keep a better paper trail), I'm accepting donations through PayPal (via my business account). So if you'd like to help out in this way, click on this link:
Designate your donation "El Inca Prison Visit" or "Ecuador Travel" or something along that line. For those not familiear with PayPal, this is a great way for anyone to make or receive a payment, either with a credit card or through their bank (instant transfer or e-check). It's a secure website through which you eliminate divulging your credit card or bank info to the other party in a transaction. I've been using it for years with ebay and online purchases and payment receipts, both for personal and business transactions, without a single problem.

Local friends and family... If you prefer to hand me donations personally, that's OK too. Personal checks are better than cash (again, the paper trail thing).

Most of all, many thanks to all those asking how they can help! I'll continue with updates...