Tearful good-bye to Dany...
Just a few quick lines here... not feeling very cheery or in the mood to write. But those following my whereabouts, note that I've cancelled my reservations at LaLuna Hostal and will be staying on at the Hostal Dona Ester for the next two days, before going on to Cayambe.
I had another wonderful visit with Dany's family, but had to say final good-byes to them after today (because at the time I thought I'd be leaving Otavalo and going to LaLuna up on the mountain). After the big emotional drain, though, I just decided to cancel my reservations at LaLuna and stay put... no energy left to make any big moves and do any readjustments to new surroundings.
I'll be OK. But I'll write more tomorrow... love to all!
Translator to the rescue!
I had coffee this morning downstairs of my hotel -- VERY strong, but VERY, VERY good. Had some yesterday morning, so knew I had to have more this a.m. Also had a glass of passion fruit juice - thick and yummy. No breakfast, because I still have pizza left from last night's dinner. The owner questioned my not wanting even some bread, and I had to remind her "Dengo mucho pizza!" She had wrapped it to go for me last night, so she smiled and understood. After paying for my coffee and juice, and also my room for 2 days (leaving later on, to go on to the Hostal LaLuna), I wanted to ask her a favor. But her English is almost as limited as my Spanish. Just as I was struggling with the first words, a girl came to check in for a room and witnessed my dilemma, and asked enthusiastically, "Can I help?" We were both very relieved to have a translator!
I'm still feeling very uncomfortable about the continued contact with Dany's family, without a rep from Compassion or the project, and I am just so afraid that they will ask for my address and/or phone number. I plan to honor the promises I made to Compassion, but I also don't want to hurt Dany's family or make them think I don't actually want to establish a more direct contact. Anyway, I asked the girl to tell the owner/receptionist that I would appreciate her explaining the situation to Dany's family when they come to see me again this morning, and tell them to please not ask for any contact information from me (address, phone number, etc.), because it's against the rules of Compassion. I hope she will be sensitive to the situation and not make it sound as if I'm personally trying to discourage direct contact. I would actually LOVE to have direct contact, but a promise is a promise, and I understand and respect why Compassion must have such rules (for the protection of both the sponsors and the children).
OK, that's my issue for the day! Now it's time to shop the markets -- it's Saturday, after all! I missed the animal market this morning... just too tired to "rise and shine" to be there at 6:30. Oh, I was up by 6:00 (this town does NOT sleep in -- ever!!), but had such a headache. I've been going through a LOT of aspirin, coping with the thin air and acclimating to it. I haven't really had any problems other than shortness of breath and almost constant nagging headaches, but plenty of fluids and regular aspirin intake seem to take care of it OK. No stomach bugs or such (thank goodness!)... have been careful about not drinking the water and all, and taking lots of acidophilus to keep a good bacteria count going on inside!
Oh! Almost forgot! While eating my pizza last night in the restaurant, an Andean band starting setting up in the interior courtyard. Since the restaurant overlooks it, I had a great view. I asked if it would be OK to take pictures and videotape, and it was -- so I did! Wow! What a show! I
thoroughly enjoyed the evening -- what an unexpected treat! Those near and dear to me know how much I love that music, anyway! Which reminds me, I need to pick up a few more good CD's while I'm here.
Well, time to run for now. I'm not sure if there's internet access at Hostal LaLuna, which is a couple miles South of the town of Otavalo, up in the mountains near Mojanda, but I'll be back down in Otavalo off and on to wander and such. So I'll try to keep these blog entries coming.
Wondering what Dany's family has in store for me today, I close here with MUCHO love for all!