Last night in Otavalo...
I'd hoped to walk to Peguche today, via the railroad tracks (it's the most direct and popular hiking route), but the weather today's been a bit cool. Also, it's been raining off-and-on all day, so I decided not to do it. I'm still hoping to go, but if I do it would have to be bright and early tomorrow morning, to give myself the time I'd like to do

Today, instead of going to Peguche, I spent several hours hitting the markets again! :) I did get some pictures and video from the 2nd story terrace of an eatery

With being so exhausted all the time from my whirlwind/emotional days, I really haven't done much actual photography before today -- only "snapshots" of my time with Dany, etc. If I had someone with me, I might be doing more. But I'm not real comfortable about walking about the town alone while flashing my expensive camera around. I may as well wear a sign that says, "ROB ME!"

Some of you may be glad to hear I gave up the planned trip to Riobamba to ride the train to la Nariz del Diable (Devil's Nose). It seemed like just too risky a schedule, as far as getting back safely to Quito before dark, to catch my plane the next morning. So I'll instead be staying in Quito for 2 nights after Cayambe. On Tue., I'll be visiting the prison with Joan to bring the children's donations, and on Wed., I'll go with her again for the women's Bible Study.
Gotta run for now. Lots of love to all from Ecuador!